
Supervisors: Martin Weissmann (Data Assimilation), Nili Harnik (Atmospheric Dynamics)
  Fig. 1: Brightness temperature at the convective scale.
Clouds provide one of the greatest uncertainties in climate projections. Covering fractions of mm to planetary scale waves, clouds are intrinsically challenging to forecast. Yet, the complex phase transition of water is so interesting, that many physicists, meteorologists, and engineers are keen to better understand the trubulent dynamics of clouds.

We approach this topic from two perspectives: one is the practical predictability of convection in a data-assimilation framework (Fig. 1), while the second perspective reveals insights from convective scale to planetary scale dynamics in two-dimensional turbulence on a shallow Earth.
Schröttle, J., Weissmann, M., Scheck, L., Hutt, A.: 'Assimilating visible and thermal radiances in idealized simulations of deep convection', Monthly Weather Review doi: 10.1175/MWR-D-20-0002.1 (2020)

Hutt et al.: 'Assimilation of SEVIRI water vapour channels with an ensemble Kalman filter on the convective scale', Frontiers in Earth Science: Atmospheric Science, doi: doi: 10.3389/feart.2020.00070 (2020)

Schröttle, J., Suhas, D. L., Harnik, N., Sukhatme, J.: 'Turbulence and equatorial waves in moist and dry shallow water systems', Quaterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society doi: 10.1002/qj.4220 (2022)

Lledó, L., Haiden, T., Schröttle, J., Forbes, R.: 'Scale-dependent verification of precipitation and cloudiness', ECMWF Winter Newsletter doi: 10.21957/c92loli749 (2022)

Lupu, C., Schröttle, J., Lopez, P.: 'Simulation of top-of-the-atmosphere visible reflectances with the IFS', ECMWF Fall Newsletter (2023)

  • 'Assimilation of cloud-affected radiances in idealized simulations of deep convection',
  • 'Moist equatorial waves in deep convection on a shallow Earth',
    • a) The 12th students' conference for Earth and planetary sciences, Weizmann Institute (March 2019)
      b) Physics at the equator: from the lab to the stars, ENS Lyon (Oct. 2019)
      c) Department Seminar in Geophysics, Tel Aviv University (May 2020)
      d) Fall Meeting of the Americal Geophysical Union (Dec. 2020)
      e) Nonlinear Multiscale & Stochastic Dynamics of the Earth System, EGU General Assembly (April 2021)
      f) 34th Conference on Hurricanes & Tropical Meteorology, New Orleans (May 2021)

      with Nili Harnik, Yair Cohen, Eyal Heifetz, Suhas D. L. & Jai Sukhatme

  • 'A journey across scales: approaching the sub-mesoscale at 10 min temporal resolution',
    • a) ECMWF, Earth System Assimilation Section, Invited Seminar (March 2023)
      b) EUMETSAT 2023, Meteorological Satellite Conference, Malmö (Sept. 2023)
      c) Mathematics of Planet Earth: From Deterministic to Stochastic Dynamics & Predictability, EGU (April 2024)
      d) European Meteorological Society, Annual Meeting, Barcelona (Sept. 2024)

      with Cristina Lupu, Chris Burrows, Elias Holm, Llorenç Lledó & Angela Benedetti

    Wind Energy

    Main Collaborators: Antonia Englberger, Zbigniew Piotrowski

    Visit: IMGW Warsaw in November 2015 (two weeks)
      Fig. 2: Vortex line in shear flow.
    Wind energy is one of the growing industries in Europe. Correct short term forecasts of the local wind field in combination with a detailed knowledge of the flow field around local wind turbines are essential to build efficient wind farms for optimum power production. We use a combination of high resolution large-eddy simulations (LES) and linear theory to study the stability of the wake flow behind an invidividual wind turbine. Linear theory can increase understanding in idealized configurations (Fig. 2).

    High resolution simulations take into account meteorological effects such as wind shear, diurnal variation of wind strength, or direction. Incorporating turbulent inflow boundaries in a large-eddy simulation opens interesting research questions in state-of-the-art modelling of atmospheric boundary layers (ABLs).
    Our novel approach with EULAG allows for fully developed turbulence upstream of a wind turbine.
    Schröttle, J., Dörnbrack, A., Schumann U.: 'Excitation of vortex meandering in shear flow', Fluid Dynamics Research, doi: doi:10.1088/0169-5983/47/3/035508 (2015)

    Schröttle, J., Piotrowski Z., Gerz T., Englberger, A., Dörnbrack, A.: 'Wind turbine wakes in forest and neutral plane wall boundary layer large-eddy simulations', J. Phys. Conf. Series: The Science of Making Torque from Wind, doi: doi:10.1088/1742-6596/753/3/032058 (2016)

    Schröttle, J.: 'Wind turbine wakes in sheared and turbulent atmospheric boundary layers: linear theory, lidar observations & large-eddy simulations', Faculty of Physics (Dissertation), LMU (February, 2017)

  • 'Meandering of a vortex line in shear flow',
    • 5th International Symposium on Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, Haifa (July 2013)

      with Andreas Dörnbrack & Ulrich Schumann

  • 'Large-eddy simulations of a wind turbine wake above a forest'
    • a) 8th European Postgraduate Fluid Dynamics Conference, Warsaw (July 2016)
      b) 12th Workshop on Synthetic Turbulence Models, Paris (July 2017)
      c) SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Erlangen (Sept. 2017)

      with Zbigniew Piotrowski, Antonia Englberger, Thomas Gerz & Andreas Dörnbrack


    Main collaborators: Andreas Dörnbrack, Piotr Smolarkiewicz

    Visit: NCAR Boulder, Sept.-Dec. 2011
      Fig. 3: Pythagoras grove with two illustrative trees
    Forests cover approximately 40 % of the earth's land surface and play a key role in our ecosystem as a sink of CO2 and source of oxygen. In order to model exchange processes correctly, it is crucial to understand the flow phenomena that occur inside forest canopies (Shaw 1988). Traditionally, forests are represented as a horizontally homogenous porous medium in large eddy simulations (LES), as done in the pioneering LES by Shaw and Schumann (1992). We use a different approach and resolve individual porous trees inside the Pythagoras grove with the geophysical flow solver EULAG (Fig. 3). Thereby, we create a multiscale response on the flow structure.

    Mean profiles of momentum and heat transport inside the resolved Pythagoras grove coincide with the earlier parametrizations. At the same time, flow phenomena can be investigated in detail at a scale of the individual trees.
    Schröttle, J., Dörnbrack, A.: 'Turbulence structure in a diabatically heated forest canopy composed of fractal Pythagoras trees', Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 27, 337-359, doi: 10.1007/s00162- 012-0284-8 (2013)

    Gisinger, S., Dörnbrack, A., Schröttle, J.: 'Brief communication: A modified Darcy's Law - Large Eddy Simulation of turbulent flows through a fractal model city', Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 29, 343-347, doi: 10.1007/s00162-015-0357-6 (2015)

  • 'Turbulence structure in a fractal forest under varying atmospheric conditions',
    • a) Multiple Scales in Fluid Dynamics and Meteorology: MetStroem (June 2011)
      b) integrated Land Ecosystem Atmosphere Processes Study: iLEAPS (Sep 2011)
      c) Wind Energy and the impact of turbulence on the conversion process: EUROMECH (Feb 2012)
      d) 3rd International EULAG Workshop at Loughborough, UK (June 2012)
      e) Wave-Turbulence Interactions in Stable Atmospheric Boundary Layer, NCAR, Boulder (July 2012)
      f) 1st Elsevier Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, Boulder (Dec 2012)

      with Andreas Dörnbrack & Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz

  • 'Fractality of trees, coherent structures, and intermittent tree canopy turbulence in LES',
    • a) Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation 9, Dresden (April 2013)
      b) Turbulence Seminar at Imperial College London, Group of J.C. Vassilicos (May 2013)
      c) 10th Conference on Synthetic Turbulence Models, Erlangen (Sept. 2014)

      with Sonja Gisinger, Kevin Bachmann, Andreas Dörnbrack & Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz